
October 29, 2019

New York, New Media

Siya Sangweni (CliffCentral Brand Manager), Rina Broomberg (CliffCentral co-founder) and I were in New York last week for a series of meetings, a conference and some […]
January 10, 2019

Back to Work

Beginning of a new year… a lot of people are back at gym trying to start the year off on a healthy note. Many will be […]
June 21, 2018
The CLiffCentral App

An antidote to madness

Content hosted by The social media world is fast, complex and unforgiving. Many brands find themselves targeted, maligned and sometimes unwittingly embroiled in controversies which […]
October 9, 2017

Where are all the Good Ideas?

These days it’s hard to find the good stuff. Everything in the mainstream media is such low hanging fruit that it’s all superficial, celebrity-centred sex and […]